Kenz, also known as Kritpan Suvanwattanasuk, views art as a medium that allows him to transcend reality and express his inner voice through drawing. He is an artist who is constantly engaged in his creative pursuits, finding solace and therapy in his art. Even after relocating from Thailand to Australia during his teenage years, he maintained a consistent passion for drawing. Although he did not study art in university, he embraced the world as his art school, seizing every opportunity to learn and connect with the art community. He immersed himself in various techniques and studied the styles of numerous global artists, continuously honing his skills and unleashing his potential. This dedication is evident in his unique and innovative approach to his creative works. Moreover, he effectively conveys his intended messages with profound meaning.

The growth of his artistic journey is driven by the opportunities he creates through personal endeavors and fueled by his passion. Fearless and filled with joy, he embraces every chance that comes his way, proudly showcasing his distinct artistic style to a global audience. From his childhood, where drawing served as an escape from certain thoughts, it has evolved into a present where he expresses his own ideas and communicates powerfully through the culmination of skills and emotions reflected in each piece of his artwork.