
Bangkok – a metropolis of arts and culture: Trendy Gallery was born here in 2005. At the beginning of the business, Trendy Gallery was known for housing a collection of home furnishings, fashion products, and gadgets with outstanding designs. At the same time, a new art form, namely Art Toy, Designer Toy, and a variety of works of art, began to be showcased in its own space. Together with the knowledge, understanding, and interest in the art of the two founders, Trendy’s reputation was becoming well known in the art world. Both collectors and artists from different walks of life were constantly frequenting Trendy Gallery. For this reason, we saw the opportunity to push “Arts by Thai artists” to be famous and accepted with honor and dignity all over the world. With all our experiences, we have grown and developed our business continuously and for a long time. We have been driven by passion and have accumulated flying hours until now. Trendy is currently known as a full-blown art gallery.

Trendy Gallery is a key gear in driving the art world. We have always believed that art has value when it is created by skilled artists who showcase their work to the public. Art must have continued development and be widely accepted and guaranteed in terms of quality by our gallery as well as people and collectors with knowledge of art. This mechanism is what we have been pursuing and have achieved countless times. Trendy Gallery is able to find the perfect balance between capitalism and art. This is because the important goal is to support skilled Thai artists to gracefully enter the world-class art scene. Our gallery characteristic is friendly and has a unique identity put together in a style that is difficult to imitate. It matches the name Trendy as it is a catchy and easy-to-understand word that literally translates into being up-to-date. We do not want art to be too difficult to access. At the same time, we have to create significant value for every piece of work through collaboration between the gallery and artists of all ages, pushing the new generation of artists with their personal talents and techniques to have a space to exhibit their work. We also support young artists to maintain their identity by coexisting with the era as one, building recognition, and respecting each other’s work and identity. And as for collectors all over the world, we also focus on building knowledge and understanding of art both in terms of value and inspiration. We allow collectors to choose works according to their own preferences without foisting any ideas upon them or making art diversity a tool of discrimination. Trendy Gallery is constantly striving to be a trendsetter, creating an art society that persists in every era.

Trendy Gallery, trendy as always.